You could search for other words related to what you want:
- Try searching for words with similar meanings. If you searched for recipes, try cookery.
- If you know the name of another book by the same author, search for that book, click on its title and then click on the author's name to see everything we have under that name.
- If you can find a book on a similar subject, click on its title and then click on one of the topics listed next to 'Subjects:'.
You could try a different kind of search:
We can borrow the item from another library system:
- OPPL offers Interlibrary Loan services. We will search for items outside our parish library system, and if they are available to borrow, we can have them sent to one of our libraries so that you may borrow them. Ask a staff member at any branch, or call your local branch to request items.
We can email you if we get something new:
- Click on the blue Save Search button to run your search automatically at specified intervals. Automatic searches check for items that are new since the last time the search was run.
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